Permanent Members

European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF)

United Nations Office of Internal Oversight Services (UN-OIOS)

World Bank, Integrity Vice Presidency (INT)

Current and Immediate Past Conference Hosts

Current Host:
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)

Immediate Past Host:
Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Other Members

European Investment Bank (EIB)

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

CII Secretariat

CII activities are overseen by a Secretariat comprised of representative members of its founding organisations. The Secretariat is defined and guided by the CII Bylaws.

The Secretariat’s role is to facilitate the exchange of information between CII participating organizations and to promote the harmonisation of best practices.

The Secretariat arranges and oversees the staging of the CII’s annual conference, selects its host, provides guidance on the development of the conference agenda, and provides continuity between conferences and rotating hosts. It has the final authority on the conference’s date, venue, participants, agenda, presenters, and matters requiring the endorsement of conference participants.

The Secretariat also guides the CII’s strategic direction, approves the pursuit of new projects by CII participants to harmonise practices, maintains the CII website, and amends the CII Bylaws, as deemed necessary and appropriate from time-to-time.

The Secretariat is comprised of representatives from the investigative offices of three permanent members, the current and immediate past conference hosts, and additional members as appointed by the Secretariat for one-year renewable terms.

The names and contact information for each of the Secretariat representatives are listed below. The Secretariat invites questions and comments from Cll participating organizations and other interested parties.

Email Address
Andrew Mendoza (Chair)
Asian Infrastucture Investment Bank
Ernesto Bianchi
European Anti-Fraud Office
Michael Bushell
European Investment Bank
Chris Taylor
United Nations Development Programme OAI
Suzette Schultz
United Nations Office of lnternal Oversight Services
Alan Bacarese
World Bank Integrity Vice Presidency
Rohan Schaap
Asian Development Bank

CII General Principles for Core Investigative Activities

Six volumes of General Principles for conducting core investigative activities that greatly expand on the principles within the CII’s Uniform Principles and Guidelines for Investigations. Endorsed at the 21st CII, these Principles provide more in-depth, principles-based, uniform guidance to investigators and Investigative Offices conducting these six core activities: Intake and Evaluation, Scoping and Planning, collection of Physical and Documentary Evidence, collection of Testimonial Evidence, collection of Digital Evidence and Evidence Analysis and Reporting of Findings.

As supplements to the CII’s Uniform Principles and Guidelines, each paper sets out non-binding principles establishing uniform standards to guide investigators and Investigative Offices undertaking these activities. They are purposely not prescriptive in technical details nor implementing practices. These Principles will also form the basis for a future CII Investigator Credential and CII Investigator training pathways.