Conference of International Investigators

At the 21st Conference of International Investigators (CII) in 2021, a framework for information sharing was endorsed by the participants. This framework – which is entirely voluntary – permits multilateral participants of the CII to opt-in, and thereafter to share information on a confidential basis with others. This helps to operationalise paragraphs 25 to 26 of the ‘Uniform Principles and Guidelines for Investigations’ (“Investigation Guidelines”)

Timely information sharing among
participating Organisations may help to:

Conference of International Investigators

While inter-organisational agreements such as Memoranda of Understanding already exist among various CII participants, this separate arrangement is intended to facilitate information between Organisations without existing bilateral mechanisms and/or the time or resources to implement them.

The framework is not legally binding but provides for the sharing of information between the investigation office of the party providing it (the ‘Supplying Party’) and the one receiving it (the ‘Receiving Party’).

All sharing of information is at the discretion of the supplying party who must adhere to its own policies, procedures and other applicable legislation. Being a party to this arrangement does not create any obligation or expectation to share information, or to the frequency or quantity thereof. Neither does it create any expectation of reciprocity.

Any multilateral Organisation participating in the CII may elect to become a party to this arrangement at the written request of an appropriately authorised official, and may cancel its participation at any time. Further information for CII participants can be obtained from Paul Catchick (Gavi), Michal Pesta (OLAF) or the current CII host organization.

CII General Principles for Core Investigative Activities

Six volumes of General Principles for conducting core investigative activities that greatly expand on the principles within the CII’s Uniform Principles and Guidelines for Investigations. Endorsed at the 21st CII, these Principles provide more in-depth, principles-based, uniform guidance to investigators and Investigative Offices conducting these six core activities: Intake and Evaluation, Scoping and Planning, collection of Physical and Documentary Evidence, collection of Testimonial Evidence, collection of Digital Evidence and Evidence Analysis and Reporting of Findings.

As supplements to the CII’s Uniform Principles and Guidelines, each paper sets out non-binding principles establishing uniform standards to guide investigators and Investigative Offices undertaking these activities. They are purposely not prescriptive in technical details nor implementing practices. These Principles will also form the basis for a future CII Investigator Credential and CII Investigator training pathways.